You can succeed in the SCA
with GPCollabR8!
Collaborate To Suceed!
Hi, I’m Dr Zakaria
I am currently a GPST3 and planning to sit my SCA exam this November. Join me in my journey, to prepare for this exam and to help each other succeed!
I am planning to share my own learning along the way, and hopefully also hear from you all with your great insight and viewpoints.
Explore YOUR collaborative learning platform
Interesting Clinical Cases!
Coming Soon!
Collaborative Innovation!
Coming Soon!
Comm Skill Boosts!
Coming Soon!
Let's Talk It Through
Calm, Relaxing & Informative, whilst breaking down those heartsink topics!
This is where the link will jump to
Enhance Your GP Training With Us
Are you ready to take your GP Training & SCA Preparation to the next level?
Share your details with us and embark on a journey towards excellence in general practice!